MI Hope Inc. is a non-profit public charity formed in 1988 by parents of children with severe mental illnesses (Tax ID 33-0344475). Research conducted by MI Hope over the last three decades has provided important insights into factors which impair the proper functioning of the brain. Useful information was provided in the 2014 book entitled “Stealth Adapted Viruses; Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) & KELEA™ Activated Water.” The research has steadily progressed to where an understanding of KELEA (Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction) can benefit many aspects of human existence. These now include: Providing a therapeutic approach to addressing the epidemic of illnesses caused by stealth adapted viruses; Elevating Emotional Wellness in all of humanity; Reversing many human, animal, and plant disease; Markedly increasing agricultural productivity; Achieving greater efficiencies in many industrial applications, including fuel consumption; Reducing levels of atmospheric pollution; and Gaining a greater scientific understanding of Nature. The following are some of the current Educational, Research, and Advisory, KELEA™ & ACE Pathway™ Related, Programs of MI Hope Inc. These Programs are further described in the website. 


A. Exploring the Science of KELEA (Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction)™.

As noted above, KELEA™ is a Natural Force that empowers the Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) Pathway. KELEA can be transported in Water. It’s levels in water can be increased by the use of KELEA-emitting compounds & Devices, which are collectively referred to as Enerceuticals™.  A current focus is on heat-modified ceramics and other KELEA emitting natural compounds. The basic premise is that KELEA is attracted to electrical charges and serves the fundamental purpose of preventing the fusion and annihilation of electrically attracted opposing electrical charges. KELEA is a radiating force that can act over a distance to slightly loosen the strength of electrostatic attraction. This can lead to a loosening of hydrogen bonding between water and other types of fluid molecules, including gasoline. Observations show that KELEA can also function as a form of chemical energy.


These Atypical viruses bypass effective recognition by the cellular immune system. This is due to the deletion or mutation of genes coding for the major components normally targeted by the cellular immune system. The viruses are especially relevant to neurological and psychiatric illnesses, including autism and the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Stealth adapted viruses can incorporate “renegade” genetic sequences from the infected cells and from other microbes. Studies on these viruses have met with political resistance because some had originated from the type of virus that commonly infected the monkeys used to produce polio vaccines. Infections caused by these viruses clearly relate to vaccine safety.


A major focus is on enhancing living conditions and emotional wellness, especially in brain damaged individuals. mind expanding training programs are offered to help such individuals regain an appreciation and love of life (adamovivus).  Homelessness is being addressed by the development of highly efficient, innovative, and affordable home construction designs. Additional life-style training will be provided in gardening, cooking, and recreational activities. .


The increasing of the earth’s temperature has been related to diminished KELEA-mediated cloud formation. KELEA activated fuels achieve more efficient combustion with less pollution. There are benefits to using KELEA activated water in increasing the efficiency of heat exchange operations. Toxic contamination of water sources can be reduced using KELEA.  


MI Hope Inc. is seeking supporters for its mission to disseminate information and to provide consultative services concerning KELEA and the ACE pathway. It has established an Ambassador Program. MI Hope Ambassadors will receive specialized information on the potential uses of KELEA activated water and other enerceutical™ products, which are relevant to their specific areas of expertise. Once qualified, Ambassadors will be invited to various promotional functions and may also be asked to help in overseeing testing programs.  If desired, each Ambassador can become actively involved in the marketing and sale of various KELEA-related products.  If you are interested in participating in the Ambassador program, please respond using the following e-mail. A staff member will contact you with details of the program.


This program for those who would like to become monthly financial supporters of MI Hope Inc. and to receive regular updates of information relating to their specific area of interest. If you are interested in actively participating in the Membership program, please respond using the e-mail address provided below. A staff member will contact you with details of the program.


If you wish to further support the mission of MI Hope Inc. please contribute using the donation button. All donors of $100 or more will be provided with either a KELEA WEARABLE WATERCEUTICAL POUCH or a mailed copy of the book “Stealth Adapted Viruses; Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) & KELEA Activated Water” An electronic copy of the book will be emailed to those donating $50 or more.


Human, Animal, Agricultural, and Industrial Applications of KELEA Activated Water. The human and animal applications include the use of Wearable Waterceutical Pouches. KELEA Activated Water for use as a refreshing skin spray, Soap produced using KELEA activated water, Injectable KELEA activated water for major medical illnesses. Enerceuticals productrs, etc. Volcanic rock pellets, provided by Kiko Technologies, are being evaluated in various agricultural applications. They are also being used to improve the quality of contaminated stagnant water. 

Housing designs. Addressing homelessness through highly efficient housing construction is undergoing major developments.  

Educational programs/private consultations with the focus being on specific medical conditions that can be attributed to insufficient cellular energy (ICE). Information is also available as part of MI Hope’s Ambassador Program. 

A short-stay residential opportunity is available for certain individuals to assess the benefits of specific approaches to enhancing the ACE pathway. The residence in Southern California some 30 miles north of San Marcos.

Please use the following e-mail to contact MI Hope Inc.

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